Discover the Wildlife of River Findhorn: A Nature Lover’s Guide

Encounter the River Findhorn wildlife: from the masked badger foraging through the underbrush to the rare ospreys diving for their prey. In this guide, we reveal the habitats that cradle such biodiversity and the dedicated conservation efforts that ensure these species’ splendour throughout the changing Scottish seasons.

Need To Know

  • The River Findhorn is a biodiverse ecosystem housing various species of raptors, elusive mammals like otters and red squirrels, and wild deer populations, with distinct wildlife visible in different areas along the river.

  • Findhorn River and Bay offer a rich habitat for avian life, hosting migratory and resident birds such as ospreys, songbirds, waterfowl, and waders, with seasonal spectacles that change throughout the year.

  • Conservation initiatives at the Findhorn River include habitat restoration and community engagement to protect native species and natural environments, with efforts led by organizations such as The Trust and the Findhorn, Nairn, and Lossie Rivers Trust.

How to Find River Findhorn

Spectacular Wildlife of the River Findhorn

The Findhorn River, meandering for some 90 miles from the heart of the Monadhliath Mountains to the Moray Firth, offers more than just picturesque landscapes. This river is a living, breathing ecosystem teeming with diverse wildlife. The sounds that greet you as you embark on a trip to the Findhorn River include:

  • The rush of the river descending through granite canyons for over 20 miles.

  • The haunting call of a distant bird of prey.

  • The call of Wintering geese roosting at Findhorn Bay.

Nestled in the forests surrounding the river, various birds of prey make their home, piercing eyes scanning the terrain for their next meal. The rustling undergrowth hints at the presence of secretive mammals like the ever-charismatic red squirrel. Wild Red and Roe deer roam freely among the Highland glens of the River Findhorn, their elegant forms a sight to behold.

Whether you start from Findhorn Village or Tomatin, a trip to the Findhorn River is a journey into a world where wildlife thrives in harmony.

Majestic Raptors and Birds of Prey

Venturing into the heart of Findhorn’s wildlife, our exploration takes us skyward to meet the majestic raptors calling this area home. From the mighty majestic Golden eagle and White-tailed Eagles to the nimble Peregrine Falcon, Merlin and Kestrel, the skies over Findhorn are a theatre where these aerial acrobats perform their death-defying hunts. The Findhorn River region is a stronghold for these raptors, their presence underscoring the area’s remarkable biodiversity.

Each species of raptor is uniquely adapted to thrive in their respective environments. Some examples of raptors and their characteristics include:

  • Ospreys, which primarily consume fish and are considered summer visitors, migrating to the area during specific periods of the year

  • Eagles, which have powerful talons and keen eyesight, allowing them to hunt and capture prey from great heights

  • Hawks, which have sharp beaks and agile flight, enabling them to catch small mammals and birds

  • Peregrine Falcons, which are known for their incredible speed and aerial hunting techniques

Understanding these raptors provides us a deeper insight into the workings of the River Findhorn ecosystem.

The Secretive Mammals of Findhorn

Transitioning from the sky to the land, we shift our gaze to the forests lining the Findhorn River, a sanctuary for numerous elusive mammals. Here, otters skilfully navigate the river’s currents, and their solitary and territorial behaviour is a fascinating study for organizations focused on wildlife conservation, such as the Nature Conservancy and WWF. Watch for these elusive creatures as you traverse the river from Coignafearn to Findhorn Bay.

Among the trees, red squirrels scamper about, their bushy tails flicking as they forage for food. However, it’s not just these charismatic creatures that demand our attention. Pine martens, with their pointed muzzles and prominent triangular ears, also reside within these woods, playing a vital role in maintaining a healthy woodland ecosystem near the Mosset Burn and other areas around the River Findhorn. These mammals, each with unique behaviours and roles, add to the richness of Findhorn’s wildlife tapestry.

Deer of the Highland Glens

Journeying further upstream from Findhorn Village into the highland glens encircling the upper reaches of the River Findhorn, we come across thriving populations of wild deer near the famous Randolph’s Leap. The ideal red and roe deer habitats are rugged terrains, woodland, and moorland environments. Whether near the river or amidst the mountains, spotting these graceful creatures is an experience to cherish.

In the summer, visitors to the River Findhorn area are often treated to the sight of these majestic animals, their silhouettes a stunning contrast against the setting sun. Though the exact population of red and roe deer in the north east region around the River Findhorn isn’t specified, their presence is a testament to the area’s rich biodiversity.

A Birder’s Paradise: Avian Species Along the Findhorn

The Findhorn River isn’t just a haven for raptors and mammals. It’s also a paradise for all bird enthusiasts, home to various avian species filling the air with melodic calls. Some of the bird species you can find in the area include:

  • Curlew

  • Dunlin

  • Eurasian Oystercatcher

  • Common Goldeneye

  • Pink Footed Geese

  • Whooper Swan

  • Black Throated Diver

The area is a symphony of bird songs, making it a choice destination for birdwatchers. Findhorn Bay, part of the Culbin Sands, Culbin Forest, and Findhorn Bay SSSI, and the proposed Moray Firth Basin SPA, stands out as a prime spot for birdwatching.

Migratory ospreys, summer visitors to Findhorn Bay, offer a captivating spectacle as they swoop to catch fish. The dipper, a permanent resident in the Findhorn River region, is another notable feathered inhabitant. The Findhorn River is home to a variety of bird species, including:

  • Tree Creeper

  • Spotted Woodpecker

  • Capercaillie

  • Red Grouse

  • Grey Wagtail

  • Common Sandpiper

The Findhorn River is home to many species, including rare and breeding ones, making it a treasure trove of avian wonders.

The Songbirds and Woodpeckers of the Forests

Returning into the forests surrounding the Findhorn River, we are greeted by a symphony of songbirds serenading us with their melodious tunes. These songbirds play a vital role in the ecosystem, regulating insect populations and dispersing seeds. One notable songbird is the dipper, commonly located along the Findhorn River, which establishes territories near water.

The forests are also home to the great spotted woodpecker, a member of the diverse woodpecker species inhabiting the area. These birds favour densely wooded areas and commonly build nests in decaying trees or dead branches near rivers, where they feast on insects and other invertebrates. The songbirds and woodpeckers of the forests add a melodic dimension to the wildlife of the Findhorn River.

Waterfowl and Waders at the River’s Edge

Various waterfowl and waders can be found where the river meets the sea, each with unique behaviours and adaptations. The Little Grebe, Common Sandpiper, and Grey Wagtail are some species that make their homes here. Occasionally, rare sightings like the Kingfisher, Little Egret, and Spoonbill delight birdwatchers. The Dunlin, Ringed Plover, and Black-tailed Godwits are among the waders that frequent the river’s edge.

Short-eared owls, with their distinctive mottled brown bodies, pale under-wings, and striking yellow eyes with black outlines, are a sight to behold. The best time to spot these waterfowl and waders at the River Findhorn is during the winter for Golden Plovers and the spring and autumn seasons for Black-tailed Godwits. As the low tide recedes, the river’s edge becomes a bustling activity stage, offering an enchanting spectacle for birdwatchers.

Aquatic Life in the River Findhorn

Leaving the skies and forests behind, we now delve into the aquatic realm of the Findhorn River. A different world unfolds beneath the rippling surface – one teeming with aquatic life. The river is home to various species of Atlantic salmon, including Spring salmon and Grlise. This species, born within the river, undergoes the initial stage of its life as a salmon parr before migrating to the sea as a mature adult. Eventually, it returns to the River Findhorn to spawn, completing a fascinating lifecycle.

Beyond the salmon, the riverbed is a busy dwelling place for various invertebrates. Some notable species include:

  • Water snails

  • Mayfly nymphs

  • Caddisfly larvae

  • Stonefly nymphs

As we explore the underwater world of the Findhorn River, we gain a deeper appreciation of the river’s role in nurturing a diverse spectrum of life.

As we navigate the waters of the Findhorn River, we gain a deeper appreciation for these riverbed dwellers, each playing a unique role in maintaining the balance of the river ecosystem. Their presence, often overlooked, is a crucial component of the river’s biodiversity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all life forms within the Findhorn River.

The Changing Seasons of Findhorn Bay

Continuing our journey, we encounter another remarkable facet of the Findhorn River – the transformation of the seasons. Each season brings a unique spectacle of wildlife, painting a vibrant tapestry of life against the backdrop of the river. The Findhorn River’s biodiversity is enriched by:

  • The lush greens of summer

  • The golden hues of autumn

  • The icy chill of winter

  • The vibrant bloom of spring

In summer, Findhorn Bay teems with ospreys and dolphins, while the transition from autumn to winter sees an influx of waders. As the seasons change, so does the wildlife, each species adapting to the shifting environment uniquely. Let’s delve into these seasonal spectacles, starting with the summer and moving into the colder months.

Summer Spectacles: Ospreys and Dolphins

In summer, Findhorn Bay buzzes with activity. Ospreys, summer visitors to the bay, offer captivating spectacles as they swoop to catch fish. Their hunting prowess, coupled with their striking appearance, makes them a sight to behold. Not too far from the river in the Moray Firth, dolphins can be spotted frolicking in the waters, their playful antics a delightful spectacle.

Whether you observe from the shoreline or embark on a boat excursion near the Findhorn Village or from Inverness, the summer season promises a delightful array of wildlife spectacles. Some of the wildlife you may encounter include:

  • Ospreys fishing

  • Dolphins at play

  • Seals basking on the sand banks

  • Otters swimming in the river

  • Various species of birds, including herons, kingfishers, and terns

The summer months are a time of abundance and activity along the Findhorn River.

Autumn to Winter: Transition of Species

With the progression from summer to autumn and then winter, the Findhorn River undergoes a shift in its wildlife inhabitants. The changing seasons bring different wildlife into focus, each adapting to the shifting environment uniquely. Mountain hares, for example, modify their fur colour to enhance camouflage, while peacock butterflies build up fat reserves in preparation for winter hibernation.

During autumn, there is an influx of waders in Findhorn Bay. As November approaches, the autumn migration ends, and winter visitors, such as wildfowl, begin establishing themselves in the area. Some of the migratory birds you can expect to see during this time include

  • Pink Footed Geese
  • Greylag Geese
  • Whooper Swan

Conservation Efforts to Protect Findhorn’s Natural Heritage

While admiring the richness of wildlife along the Findhorn River, it’s crucial to acknowledge the ongoing conservation initiatives safeguarding this natural haven. The Trust oversees the conservation of Findhorn’s natural heritage and has implemented numerous projects to safeguard and promote the river environment. Findhorn Bay, designated as a Local Nature Reserve in 1998, underscores its environmental significance.

These initiatives address the pressing challenges faced by wildlife in the catchment of the rivers, including:

  • the removal of natural forests

  • overgrazing

  • changing land use

  • the climate crisis

We delve deeper into these conservation initiatives, including habitat restoration and species protection.

Habitat Restoration and Species Protection

Habitat restoration plays a significant role in the conservation efforts in the Findhorn area. These initiatives involve:

  • The restoration of areas along the lower River Findhorn

  • The removal of invasive species

  • The re-wilding of areas with native plants

  • A dune restoration project focused on establishing a more diverse and healthier mix of sand dune habitats.

Regarding species protection, the focus is on the Moray and Nairn Coast Special, Barn Owl, Grey and Common Seals, and various rare plant species. The success of these initiatives can be attributed to actions such as removing non-native species, planting indigenous vegetation, and implementing biosecurity measures.

Engaging the Community in Conservation

Community involvement is a crucial aspect of conservation efforts in the Findhorn area. Initiatives like the Findhorn Watershed Initiative are dedicated to restoring nature-rich habitats and fostering a culture of connection to nature. The Findhorn, Nairn, and Lossie Rivers Trust also engage the community in the sustainable management of river resources and conservation initiatives.

Local schools use the Hinterland as an educational resource and participate in the sustainable management of river resources and conservation initiatives. Volunteer programs also significantly contribute to conservation efforts by collaborating with funders, supporters, and volunteers to encourage sustainable management of river resources and advocate for wildlife protection.

Interactive Map: Discover Findhorn’s Wildlife Hotspots

An interactive map is available to augment your wildlife viewing experience along the Findhorn River. This map provides essential details on wildlife hotspots, habitats, and conservation endeavours, helping you identify and monitor your route, make informed choices according to your preferences, and tailor your expedition.

The identified wildlife hotspots along the River Findhorn include the upper Findhorn Valley, (Strathdearn) known for spotting Golden Eagles and Peregrine Falcons. Whether you’re planning a trip from Findhorn Village or Inverness, the interactive map is a valuable tool to discover Findhorn’s wildlife hotspots.

Bespoke Scottish Wildlife Tours

One of best ways to experience Scotland’s wildlife is to book a bespoke tour with a professional guide. Check out for details and thanks to them for allowing us to use their images in this blog post.


As we conclude our exploration of the River Findhorn, we’re left with a profound appreciation for its rich biodiversity. From the majestic raptors ruling the skies to the secretive mammals inhabiting the forests, the wild deer roaming in the Highland glens to the fascinating aquatic life within the river, the Findhorn River is a treasure trove of wildlife. The changing seasons bring unique spectacles, and dedicated conservationists work tirelessly to protect this natural oasis.

Whether you’re a seasoned naturalist or a casual observer, the Findhorn River offers a captivating glimpse into the wonders of nature. Its diverse wildlife, stunning landscapes, and conservation efforts serve as a testament to the beauty and resilience of nature. As we cherish these natural wonders, let’s commit to protecting and preserving them for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What wildlife is in the Moray Firth?

The Moray Firth is home to Harbour seals and Grey seals, commonly sighted on sand banks. Their streamlined bodies and thick blubber adapt them for life in the North Sea.

Can you fish in River Findhorn?

Yes, the River Findhorn is one of the top salmon fishing rivers in Scotland, and it offers excellent opportunities for fishing.

How deep is the River Findhorn?

The River Findhorn reaches depths of up to 50 feet in its gorge section, creating challenging fishing conditions in some areas.

What is the geology of the Findhorn?

The geology of the Findhorn includes a complex sequence of Quaternary deposits over Devonian sandstone bedrock, with the upper Findhorn area mainly composed of the Grampian Division of the Moine Supergroup.

What is the best time of the year to visit the wildlife hotspots along the River Findhorn?

The best time to visit wildlife hotspots along the River Findhorn varies depending on the season, with unique spectacles such as ospreys and dolphins in summer and an influx of waders in autumn. However, these hotspots can be visited throughout the year.

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